Athletic Walking Football wins the “San Kristobal / Kopa Kendall Trophy”

They beat SD Plentzia in the final of the summer tournament

The Athletic Club Fundazioa Walking Football has participated this past Saturday in the summer Walking Football tournament called “San Kristobal / Kopa Kendall Trophy”. A tournament organized since 2016 by SD Plentzia and that in this edition has had the participation of an international team, made up of English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish players residing in Euskal Herria, two teams from the host club, and Athletic Walking Football.

Walking Football is a sport similar to football, but with the peculiarity that it is played on foot, on a small playing field and without the ball being able to be hit with the head or exceed a certain height. In addition, it can only be practiced officially by people over 50 years of age. In the “San Kristobal / Kopa Kendall Trophy”, the teams were made up of eight players, seven and the goalkeeper, and the possibility of 4 changes. The players had to be over 60 years old, although two of the members were allowed to be over 50.

Athletic Club Fundazioa Walking Football beat the international team 3-1 in the semifinal, and defeated SD Plentzia 4-0 in the final.