In 2002, Athletic Club created the Athletic Club Foundation with the idea of ​​becoming the instrument of connection to Biscayan society. Being aware that the true power of Athletic Club is their people, the Foundation should be the instrument to help make society a better place.

At its birth, the Foundation’s mission was practically limited to a single area of ​​work: grassroots sport. Thus, the comprehensive training of young soccer players in our environment, in close collaboration with the partner clubs, has been and is one of the basic pillars of the identity of Athletic Club and of the Foundation itself. To guarantee its success, we allocate significant financial and human resources to this essential pillar. About 80% of the Foundation’s contract personnel – almost fifty people – are sports technicians, doctors and physiotherapists. A good example of the extent to which commitment to the youth academy is part of the DNA of the Foundation and Athletic Club.

With the growth of the Foundation and its collaborators, the proposals that addressed new areas of work increased. Thus, fully aware that its meaning is to represent the essential values ​​of Athletic, the Foundation has been shaping this dissemination through social, cultural, sports, educational and environmental projects and initiatives.

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In this section, the Athletic Club Foundation publishes relevant information on institutional, organizational, economic and contractual matters in accordance with the Club and Foundation Transparency Policy, subject to continuous monitoring, evaluation and improvement processes. The Information is published in an updated manner, in accordance with Law 19/2013 on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance regarding accountability and open exposure of its corporate actions.