Bertso Derbia in Basauri



The classic meeting between bertsolaris zurigorris and txuriurdines will be held on Saturday 15 April at 12:00, in the run-up to the derby


Basauri, Iribar‘s adopted hometown in his early youth, will host a new edition of the Bertso Derbia, organised by Athletic Club Fundazioa in collaboration with the Real Sociedad Foundation. The classic meeting between bertsolaris zurigorris and txuriurdines will be held on Saturday 15 April, at 12:00 noon, at the Social Antzokia in Basauri.

On this occasion, the event will be attended by Arkaitz Estiballes, as ‘gai-jartzaile’, and the red and white representatives will be Onintza Enbeita, Anjel Mari Peñagarikano and Aitor Etxebarriazarraga. Andoni Egaña, Alaia Martin and Julio Soto will be representing Real Sociedad.

Bertso Derbia is a commitment by the Athletic Club and Real Sociedad foundations to vindicate a healthy and inspiring rivalry, which takes place on the pitch and on the stage, where we go as rivals, but hand in hand. Since its first edition in 2012, some of the most renowned bertsolaris of the Basque cultural scene have passed through the Bertso Derbia.