Fundazioa, with people deprived of their freedom

Athletic Club Foundation technical staff will train inmates of the Bizkaia penitentiary center in Basauri on a weekly basis

The Athletic Club Foundation has initiated during this season 2023-24 a new project aimed at the group of male and female prisoners of the Bizkaia Penitentiary Center, in Basauri. The new project is born in collaboration with the prison itself, which depends on the Basque Government, and with Bidesari, an organization that works in favor of people deprived of their freedom. The aim of the project is to help these institutions to develop processes of personal recovery and social integration from inside the prison, facilitating their subsequent reintegration into the community.

In the first session inside the Bizkaia de Basauri penitentiary center, the Foundation has organized, first of all, a Walking Football exhibition match. Thus, technical staff of Fundazioa and Lezama itself (including several coaches of the Club’s Alevines) have shown the basics of this type of soccer that is played walking. Afterwards, the inmates themselves played a Walking Football game to familiarize themselves with this sport. 

Starting next week, Fundazioa will conduct training sessions at the center on Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 am. In addition, the project includes the organization of educational talks, visits and cultural activities in collaboration with Bidesari and the penitentiary institutions under the Basque Government.