The Athletic Club Foundation has held this Wednesday in Lezama the fourth edition of the Futbola Buruan Tournament, a championship organised in collaboration with the Liga Intercentros de Salud Mental de Euskadi (Basque Country Mental Ilnesses’ Intercentre League) with the aim of promoting and working for the recovery and social inclusion of the users of the Osakidetza RSM (Mental Health Network), as well as ensuring their right of access to sport and participative leisure, promoting values in a relaxed atmosphere that goes beyond results.

The teams that have participated in this IV Buruan Futbola Tournament are the following: Manuene, Zamudio, Bilbao-Lehenak, Asasam, Argia, San Juan de Dios, AD Gorantza-Avifes, Durango, Baraka and Eragintza, all belonging to the Liga Intercentros de Salud Mental de Euskadi.

Through sports practice, the Athletic Club Foundation helps patients in mental illnesses’ treatment, reaching challenges such as the improvement of certain symptoms and aspects of the illness, the acquisition of social skills and healthy living habits and the rupture with the stigmas that unfortunately often surround people suffering from mental illnesses.