Thinking Football Film Festival

Thinking Football Film Festival is a film and football festival organized by the Athletic Club Foundation in collaboration with Sala BBK. Since its first edition in 2013, the festival has grown in prestige to become one of the most important football and film festivals in the world.


The Athletic Club Foundation programs a football and cinema week each year, the Thinking Football Film Festival, in which between twelve and twenty films selected by the Foundation’s cultural team are screened at the Sala BBK in Bilbao. The films chosen to participate in the festival tell human and social stories that in one way or another are related to the world of football.

On the whole, the Thinking Football Film Festival programme aims to help raise key issues on understanding the global social phenomenon that football has become in the last hundred years.

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Attendance at all sessions is free until full capacity is reached and after each film there will be a short discussion about the film, with the attendance of the director or one of its main characters. The audience can rate the films and at the end of the festival the Thinking Football Film Festival Audience Award will be announced and awarded to the film rated best by the audience. The festival began in 2013 and soon became one of the most prestigious in the world in its field: human and social stories with the world of football as a backdrop

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