A video about the RSMB project, winner of “Gestión en corto” competition

The jury highlighted the therapeutic and social relevance of the collaborative project between the Foundation and Osakidetza

A Jury made up of the Audiovisual Department of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and EUSKALIT, taking into account the criteria of relevance (the subject or aspect has to do with the management of organisations and is topical), innovation (ingenuity and creativity to effectively communicate the message) and formal aspects of production, has awarded a video about the RSMB project of Osakidetza and Fundazia as the best amateur short film of the 6th. Edition of “Gestión en corto” (“Management in short”).

The video is called “Exercise as a therapeutic and social awareness tool in mental health” and is now available for viewing on the website of the European Week of Advanced Management coordinated by EUSKALIT.


The short documentary film makes visible the humanisation project of the Mental Health Network of Bizkaia (Osakidetza) and the Athletic Club Foundation. A project in which sport is used as a therapeutic tool and a driving force for the inclusion and social normalisation of people with mental illness. The project also seeks to change the general population’s perception of mental illness, which is fundamental in the fight against stigma.

The “Gestión en corto” (“Management in short”) video competition was created with the idea of taking Advanced Management to other forms of dissemination within the European Week, as a different way of bringing management closer to society as a whole.

The European Week of Advanced Management is a meeting place that brings together promotion and dissemination events for the exchange of good practices and experiences on Advanced Management, which is held annually between October and November in the European Community.