2,000 children from socially disadvantaged families in need of toys this Christmas

2,000 children from families in social difficulty in Bizkaia need toys this Christmas. That is why the Red Cross Bizkaia, through the Red Cross Youth, has the challenge of collecting 5,000 new, non-warlike and non-sexist toys with its “Their Rights at Play” campaign, which will end on 4 January.

The toys collected will be given to the families most in need, cared for by the Red Cross with children in their care. The aim is to recognise play as a fundamental right of children and to communicate the benefits it produces in the youngest children, as well as to guarantee the fulfilment of the objectives of transmitting values and healthy play.

Athletic Club, through its Foundation, joins the campaign once again this year by offering three toy collection points: the Ibaigane Palace (Fundazioa office), Lezama and the members’ office in San Mamés. Johana Ruiz-Olabuenaga, director of the Club’s Social Department, took part in the presentation of the campaign, held at the La Casilla pavilion this Friday.

Surne Bilbao Basket, through its Foundation, is organising “the big teddy bear throw” at the Bilbao Arena during the game against Girona on December 22nd.

The Red Cross will carry out a free children’s Christmas programme throughout Bizkaia with the aim of promoting educational play among children, including the “Day of Play” to be held at La Casilla on 26 December from 16 to 20h with workshops, hockey, face painting, herri kirolak, traditional games, legos and even a food truck.