Books, soccer players and shared readings

Garazi Murua opens the Athletic Club Reading season, along with De Marcos, Tirapu, San José and the lions of the barge

Athletic Reading Club is an action to promote reading through which any fan and reader can propose a book to read to a representative of the Athletic Club. This player, player or rojiblanco coach, of all suggestions received, will choose a book, will read it within an approximate period of one month and, finally, will participate in one of the days that, within the Athletic Club Reading program, organize the foundation. These are meetings where to talk about that book and share impressions.

Garazi Murua

The deadline to recommend a book to the head office of the first team is now open. It can be done here.

Garazi reads in Basque, Spanish and English, and likes historical novels and those that have social criticism.

During the X edition of the Letters and Football festival, the Athletic Club Foundation will organize four special days of the Athletic Reading Club.

The first of these meetings, which will take place on Monday, November 11, at the Foral Library, Oscar de Marcos will talk about “Togo” with 40 readers of his biographical novel, published by the Foundation. In the near future, the deadline to sign up for this club open to the fans will open.

On Tuesday 12, the turn will correspond to the last Athletic League and Cup champion. The lions of the barge will deliver in a meeting moderated by Juanjo Baños on the book “The city of rain”, written by Alfonso del Río.

On Wednesday the 13th, Mikel San José, accompanied by a children’s team from Lezama, will chat with José Roberto Torero and his book “A history of football”.

Finally, on Thursday 14, Ainhoa ​​Tirapu and his biographical book “Bizitza eskukadaka” will star in the last reading club planned during the week of the X edition of Letters and Football.