In this project, the Athletic Club Foundation offsets the CO2 emissions produced by the Club during the previous season by planting native trees in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve.


The Athletic Club Foundation acquired, from the 2019/20 season, the commitment to offset the CO2 emissions generated by the trips of the different teams that make up the structure of Athletic Club, from the first men’s and women’s teams to the lower categories.

This compensation is carried out through reforestation actions in the Urdaibai through an agreement with the Lurgaia Foundation. The number of trees that the Foundation plants per season, from November to June, is estimated at around two thousand, to offset the impact of the displacements made.




Likewise, the Foundation takes advantage of this project to organize cooperation days with the collaborating entities of the social projects. In this way, united for the common good, users of organizations such as Adsis, Sortarazi or the Osakidetza Mental Health Network participate in the planting of trees together with representatives of Fundazioa and Athletic Club.

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