The Basque Walking Football team debuts against England in Lezama

The Basque national team’s first two international matches, at over 50s and over 60s level, will be held next Saturday against the unbeaten England team

The Basque Walking Football team, recently created with the support of the Basque Football Federation, begin their journey on October 30 on Pitch 8 in Lezama, against the unbeaten England team. There will be two matches, one for over 60s and another for over 50s. The first match will begin at 11:30 am and the second at 12:45 pm. This is a good opportunity to check the level of the Basque footballers against the most powerful team that currently exists on the international scene.

Walking Football, which already has an international organisation that regulates its rules and defends its interests, the FIWFA, is a sport similar to football, but with some important differences: players cannot run, the pitches are smaller, no headers are allowed, and the ball cannot be hit above head height (6ft to be exact). In addition, it can only be officially practiced by people over 50 years of age. The Athletic Club Foundation is a pioneer in promoting this sport, and thanks to its Walking Football project, 54 footballers train weekly under the direction of Fundazioa coaches at the Fadura (Getxo) and Lezama facilities.