Utopia Project

Launched in 2016 together with the Clara Campoamor Association, the Utopia Project aims to help adult women in vulnerable situations in their empowerment process, through a series of weekly training sessions run by Athletic Club's women’s team players and Foundation's coaches.


We work from the twin perspective of motivation and physical betterment, with the idea of developing a group of women every year who support each other, creating an environment of sisterhood that brings about small changes in the users that help them in their daily lives. Every season, a group of about twenty women is assembled.

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  • Promotes physical activity and healthy habits.
  • Prevents diseases and unhealthy behaviour.
  • It fosters a sense of belonging and companionship, communication and psychological recovery after a traumatic event.
  • Improves interpersonal relationships.
  • Increases self-esteem, self-confidence, empowerment and independence.
  • Promotes self-improvement, motivation and resilience.
  • Provides equal opportunities for quality education.
  • Creates spaces for solidarity and dialogue.
  • Promotes equal opportunities and the participation of women in sport.
  • Promotes women’s rights in terms of access to economic and educational resources.
  • Raises the visibility and awareness of gender equality in society, particularly in the field of sport.
  • Equips women with skills that match the demands of the labour market.
  • Increases the number of women with the necessary skills (educational, technical and vocational competences) to access employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.