Project developed in Peru, in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Association of Sports and Development of Villa El Salvador.


Through the programme called Bizkaia Koopera, the Athletic Club Foundation was one of the entities chosen by Bizkaia Provincial Council to develop sustainable development objectives based on the defence of universal human rights (both political and civil and economic, social and cultural rights) and on empowering women.

Specifically, the Athletic Club Foundation is committed to developing two charity projects in Peru, VILLAGOL and ATHLETIC VILLA (specifically for women), in the so-called ā€œhuman settlementā€ of Villa El Salvador in the city of Lima, with the onsite participation of ADDVES (AsociaciĆ³n de Deporte y Desarrollo de Villa El Salvador – Villa El Salvador Sports and Development Association), with which the Barakaldo Sports and Development Association (DEPYDES) has collaborated since 2006 in carrying out projects focused on human development through sports activities. Villa El Salvador is a municipality in Lima that has been badly affected by violence, and where young people under the age of 14 have access to firearms in their daily lives. Their belonging to street gangs kept them away from school and brought them into contact with drugs (smoking cocaine paste) and to committing acts of petty crime such as robberies and assaults.

These two projects are aimed at a group of more than 3,000 users and their objective is educational training, social inclusion and the prevention of risky behaviour.

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  • Promotes the social inclusion of people living in violent environments.
  • Empowers people to escape the cycle of poverty.
  • Provides social, personal and educational skills for future integration into society and the workplace.
  • Promotes physical activity and healthy habits.
  • Prevents diseases and unhealthy behaviour.
  • Improves interpersonal relationships.
  • Increases self-esteem, self-confidence, empowerment and independence.
  • Improves emotional stability, concentration, handling frustration and taking responsibility.
  • Promotes self-improvement, motivation and resilience.
  • Instils educational values such as respect, cooperation, solidarity, tolerance, equality, responsibility, commitment, etc.
  • Provides opportunities for quality education.
  • Prevents truancy and improves academic performance.
  • Combats inequality, discrimination and violence against women.
  • Creates spaces for solidarity and dialogue.
  • Promotes equal opportunities and the participation of women in sport.
  • Promotes women’s rights in terms of access to economic and educational resources.
  • Raises the visibility and awareness of gender equality in society, particularly in the field of sport.
  • Provides female sporting icons.
  • Equips users with skills that match the demands of the labour market.
  • Makes it possible for people who are vulnerable to social exclusion to acquire the necessary skills (educational, technical and vocational competences) to access employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.
  • Ensures that there are equal conditions for personal development, social integration and productive employment.
  • Ensures the equal right to sport and participatory leisure.
  • Promotes the participation of all groups in society.
  • Provides opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion to take part in sporting activities and competitions.
  • Promotes the construction of an equitable, tolerant, safe and participatory society.
  • Regenerates public spaces for coexistence and sport, through the promotion of dialogue and consensus.
  • Combats violence and discrimination against children and young people.
  • Promotes social inclusion, equality, tolerance and teamwork.
  • Provides opportunities and tools for people at risk of social exclusion.
  • Raises awareness of the need for equal social integration and the importance of building peaceful, fair societies.